Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Glance Back: More First Moments

During Cooper's first weeks of life, I was very tired and still wheelchair bound but a very proud Mommy!!! Baby Cooper

Baby Cooper's unhappy face.

Sweet Face!

Already so much to say!!!

Our New Family!!

I was looking though some old photos and came across this video. This was taken from Granddaddy's camera. This is priceless! SO glad I came across this one!

The set-up during Cooper's first few months.

Some of my favorites pictures of Baby Cooper taken with Granddaddy's camera:

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Glance Back: The Babies Meet

Cooper and Noah were two weeks old when Mary and Chris traveled to our house.
The Proud Grandmothers!!!! Mom holding Noah and Mrs. Straits holding Cooper. Sweet babies and my sister and I share their birthday and their lives a day at a time.
Rebecca holding Noah and Uncle Danny holding Cooper.

A Glance Back: Imperforate anus

This was extremely not what Chris and I were expecting to have happen with our new baby. This is NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit). I had been going twice a week during the last trimester and the imperforate anus was never seen on the ultrasound. I was told later this was a good thing because the imperforate anus wasn't serve. Cooper was placed in my arms(2nd time after birth) and was going to be taken upstairs for further tests. Chris told me Cooper had to go have some tests done because the thermometer wasn't going in. I didn't process what Chris said until later. I remember looking over where Cooper was laying and the nurses were "trying to stay calm". Chris said, "I don't know what to do?" The nurse leaned over me to take Cooper. I said, "Chris, I'll be okay, just don't leave him. Go with Cooper. He needs one of us." Chris left and knew Cooper would be okay. I remember a few moments later looking around and realized I was all alone. I didn't know how I didn't notice this sooner. I felt suddenly empty. I had just given birth, my husband and baby were gone. I didn't know what was going on. I was starting to panic. Chris arrived and I could tell he had been torn apart inside. I started crying not knowing anything just his face. It said everything. He told me we have to pray. He prayed. He said it was horrible. The doctors put a tube down Cooper's throat and he was gagging on the tube. He said they put an i.v. in his inside thigh and on his hand. Chris said it was horrible. At that moment, I remember, Dr. Camps, who performed the surgery, came into the room. Dr. Camps told us the following information: "If the anus is missing, there is no outlet to release stool after birth. The intestine ends in a blind pouch, so your infant's stool, called meconium, remains in the intestine. This can cause vomiting and an enlarged or swollen abdomen." In some cases, the rectum may end high in the pelvis or it can end low,in Cooper's case, closer to the correct position. Cooper had surgery and the following was done:

In the above photo, the rectum was pulled down to the anus and a new anal opening was created, using a minimally invasive technique called laparoscopy.

Cooper was in NICU for almost 1 week.

This was close to Cooper being able to come home. The tubes shown are what were going to the i.v. in the inside of the thigh. We were told Cooper recovered extremely fast. We were also told everyone was shocked Cooper recovered so quickly after surgery. Soon after surgery, the pain medicine was slowly decreased and pain level was monitored. At every internal of decreasing pain medicine, Cooper handled with Amazing Grace. The i.v. was removed from the top of hand and tube was removed from his nose.

Cooper was ready to go home and drinking 1 ounce of formula. He had developed severe diaper rash which is normal and we were introduced to the best diaper rash ointment: Destin (purple bottle). The new anal hole was completely covered with stitches. We had use a tool to penetrate the new opening twice daily. Cooper would cry so hard during this. I couldn't do this. Chris had to. I eventually had to when Chris went back to work.

He was on a stool softener that would eventually enter into his regular diet.

A Glance Back: Instant Love

Words can not even begin what it was like holding Cooper for the first time. It was instant love. I could not believe how much I could love someone I just met! Cooper was finally here and it felt like a dream. I remember thinking is this really happening? I had felt Cooper in my stomach and now here he is. I can only say the love is like no other love I ever felt. I love Chris and it took time to fall in love with him. I just didn't know I would feel so much love instantly for Cooper. Cooper was taken away from me a few feet away for the APGAR test. (This is the baby's color, heart rate, reflex, muscle tone and respiratory effort.)

Loved our nurse. She was a pro. She has been working in delivery for over 20 years.

Sweet little foot. So tiny!

I was able to hold Cooper once last time before he was taken away and I was told he was going to be taken upstairs to have some further tests. I was told his temperature was attempted but wasn't able to be taken. This album will describe Cooper's first days in this world and also when he first came home from the hospital.

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