Words can not even begin what it was like holding Cooper for the first time. It was instant love. I could not believe how much I could love someone I just met! Cooper was finally here and it felt like a dream. I remember thinking is this really happening? I had felt Cooper in my stomach and now here he is. I can only say the love is like no other love I ever felt. I love Chris and it took time to fall in love with him. I just didn't know I would feel so much love instantly for Cooper. Cooper was taken away from me a few feet away for the APGAR test. (This is the baby's color, heart rate, reflex, muscle tone and respiratory effort.)
Loved our nurse. She was a pro. She has been working in delivery for over 20 years.
Sweet little foot. So tiny!
I was able to hold Cooper once last time before he was taken away and I was told he was going to be taken upstairs to have some further tests. I was told his temperature was attempted but wasn't able to be taken. This album will describe Cooper's first days in this world and also when he first came home from the hospital.
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