Monday, September 28, 2009

Cooper's 2nd Haircut

A few weeks ago Cooper had his 2nd official haircut. Cooper is 2 1/2 years old and his hair doesn't grow very fast! The shampoo takes forever to come out as well. I tell Cooper, "The shampoo loves your hair". He seems to understand. Also, drying Cooper's hair takes a long time. My hair does the same and I was told by my hair chick this is a good thing. Jackie, hair chick, "You want your hair to hold in moisture".

Cooper not really enjoying the experience of his haircut but sits still.

Cooper just staring as friendly hair girl is trying to make small talk about how 2 years old is such a big boy age.

The friendly hair girl wasn't very good. As one can tell Cooper front part is really "off". Well, I would take him back to get his hair straightened but I'm afraid more hair would have to come off. I mean at the rate his hair is growing he'll be another year before he'll need another hair cut. So, I'll just let it be. I've received many comments,"love Cooper's new hair cut" and "he looks so grown up". Noone really notices the major uneven haircut except Chris and I. I love Cooper's smile and this one was taken with me saying,"look mommy putting Cooper's car on my head and driving it up and over the mountain head".

1 comment:

MMS said...

Cooper's face in the chair is CLASSIC Coop! I love it! I think I might have other pics of that face over the past 2 1/2 years! :) Maybe our next babies will be somewhere in between with hair growth: Cooper's grows slow; Noah grows super fast.