When we entered the front door, Cooper immediately was scared. He saw the shark's hanging from the ceiling. I picked Cooper up and immediately we were at eye level with a glass case of a shark's upper and lower jaw including all the teeth. I quickly told Cooper the shark's teeth looked "cool" and then focused on the shark's on the ceiling. I told Cooper they weren't stuck on the ceiling and were decorations. He seemed to accept this answer. The key at this point was moving on. Moving on together.
Waiting in line to meet Santa, Cooper and Noah had fun exploring the kid friendly surroundings.
There was fake snow and we told Noah and Cooper they could put the snow on the white rock. Noah and Cooper had a blast in the snow.
"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."
Cooper watching the race cars go around the track. He wanted a turn but the wait was for the older boys.
So, Cooper moved on. He was so happy to pick up the remote control.
The look of concentration.
I told Cooper it was almost time for us to meet Santa. He wanted to see the "really tall snowman".
We told Cooper it was almost his turn to meet Santa. This is Cooper's face of worry. He said "I don't want it". He says this anytime he doesn't want to do something.
Daddy talking to Cooper about not being worried about Santa.
This is Cooper's face after the Santa talk.
I love this! Noah's face before meeting Santa...
Cooper's face before meeting Santa...
Aunt Mary describes Cooper's perfectly in this photo: "koala grip on mommy".
Cooper was still a little unsure of sitting on Santa's lap. Noah went first to meet and sit on Santa's lap. Then Cooper joined Noah. Cooper was little unsure of Santa.
Cooper and I talked later about the Santa experience. I love hearing Cooper's talk about what he remembered. Cooper asked me, "why my feet on Santa?". I said "you were sitting on Santa's chair so you could see him better". Cooper said," I didn't look at Santa". I said, "why?". Cooper said, "I scared of Santa, mommy". Of course, this was a little sad for me. I reassured Cooper, Santa was nice and just wanted to talk about what made Cooper happy.
Cooper and Santa.
This photo made the Santa experience better. I have to say I was questioning why I "make" Cooper endure such an event he was not enjoying. But when Santa said, "Cooper, look at the silly sounding turkey" which was being waved in the air by one of the workers, Cooper laughed.
Santa asked Cooper what he wanted for Christmas. Cooper was a little quiet at first so I told Santa Cooper liked fishing stuff. Santa said "fresh water fish or salt water fish". Well, Cooper just talked and talked to Santa about fishing. It was cute. Hopefully I can get the video feature to work and will have that posted soon.
I think helping them face their fears is the most important thing. When Noah says he's scared, I just remind him that God is with him when he's scared--just in case I'm not around and gets afraid, I want him to hear those words and feel safe!
Loved sharing this with you! It's so fun to see our boys' differences and how much they love each other.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I know Noah really helped Cooper with the whole Santa experience. We say our prays during nap and night, I say: "Jesus thank you for always being here with Cooper watching over him keeping him safe and happy even when mommy & daddy aren't here". I am encouraged by your words when Noah's scared. I will use your way more.
How cute, Dorothy!
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