Soon after trying the pirate outfit on, Cooper wanted it off. This is Chris showing how Cooper how good he looks. This is Cooper unsure of his pirate's outfit.
We had a thought and that was Cooper's pirate sword. Once we gave him his pirate sword he was Happy!!
Cooper is really loving being a pirate. He's saying: "Arrhh!"
We practiced with Cooper ringing the doorbell and saying, "Trick r Treat" and then saying "thank you" after getting something out of our Halloween candy basket. This is Cooper enjoying his piece of candy before we headed to the parade.
"Let's go Cooper. Time to go to the Halloween parade."
This sign was up all week and was only a few houses down from ours.
Enjoying the nice night and Cooper observing all the costumes.
Cooper with his Daddy...
Cooper enjoyed petting the cute puppy.
The hostess announcing the parade would begin within 10 minutes and where everyone could food and drinks.
These are our neighbors. The youngest is around Cooper's age: Noah, Daniel and Joshua are the older brothers.
People arrived in all types of costumes...
Time to line up for the parade.
All the kids dressed up. Parents taking pictures.
Almost done with for the camera!
Love Cooper's face in this shot!
Time for drinks and snack.
Cooper being told he could play with his new friend's back and then realizing his pirate's sword was being played with by other random friend.
We decided to take Cooper to a few houses around ours to Trick-r-Treat. We were a couple of feet back. This was his 1st house.
This is Cooper ringing the doorbell. We didn't realize for a couple of seconds he was ringing the doorbell non-stop. The owners laughed when the saw Cooper and realized it was innocent (doorbell ringing).
Overall, we had a great time!
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