Here is Noah arriving saying: "Cooper's house!". He was cute running up to Cooper and giving him a hug.
Cooper and Noah started running soon after seeing each other for the first time. This was where the running would take place. Chris and I would say, "On your marks, get set, go." Cooper and Noah would run, laughing the whole way to the finish.
The finish would be the sofa.
Potty Break! Cooper will love this one day...especially when he finds the right person to marry! Love you, Cooper!
Breakfast time. This was actually Noah's snack. He was awake earlier than Cooper. Cooper wanted what Noah was having: 1/2 banana and goldfish.
Cooper's pirate sword was out Cooper and Chris showed Noah how to say "Arrhh!" This is Noah loving being a pirate.
One of Cooper's library books. Noah has the same book at home just the smaller version. They looked at the book together which was cute!
Cooper and Noah had the same cup but different color tops. Cooper said "Noah cheers".
This is Cooper and Noah building a "tower".
Taking turns wearing the Lego's bag as a hat.
Potty break!
Cooper hiding under pillow saying: "Noah find me".
Bath time! Another one for wonderful memories when Cooper's older! These are priceless!
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